Frank J. Feeley Email
This is an abridged CV. Email me for the full document.


  • City University of New York: Graduate Center – current PhD student in Anthropology
  • City University of New York: Queens College – BA in Anthropology

Grants & Awards

  • 2013 National Science Foundation: Dissertation Improvement Grant – $40,000
  • 2012 Explorers Club Exploration Fund Grant – $2730
  • 2012 CUNY GC Doctoral Student Research Grant – $700
  • 2011 HERC Graduate Student Travel Award
  • 2009 Hreidar Karlsson Memorial Travel Grant, International Polar Year
  • 2008 C.L. Væbek Travel Grant, International Polar Year
  • 2005 Lynn Ceci Award for Excellence in Archaeology, Queens College

Courses Taught

  • Introduction to Archaeology
  • World of the Vikings
  • European Archaeology
  • Archaeological Methods

Excavation Experience

  • June-July 2013: Gufuskálar, Iceland – Supervisor, Zooarchaeologist
  • June-July 2012: Gufuskálar, Iceland – Supervisor, Zooarchaeologist
  • January 2012: Brooklyn College Barbuda Field School – Supervisor
  • June-July 2011: Gufuskálar, Iceland – Supervisor, Zooarchaeologist
  • July 2011: Skútustaðir Excavations, Mývatn, Iceland – Excavator
  • January 2011: Brooklyn College Barbuda Field School – Supervisor
  • June-July 2010: Skútustaðir Excavations, Mývatn, Iceland – Area Supervisor
  • July 2010: Westfjords, Iceland – Excavator
  • January 2010: Brooklyn College Barbuda Field School – Supervisor
  • June-July 2009: Skútustaðir Excavations, Mývatn, Iceland – Area Supervisor
  • July 2009: Strákatangi, Strandir, Westfjords, Iceland – Excavator
  • July-August 2008: Ø64, Ø68 Vatnahverfi, South Greenland – Field Archaeologist
  • June-July 2008: Skútustaðir Excavations, Mývatn – Field Archaeologist
  • July-November 2005: South Ferry Subway Extention – Archaeological Monitor
  • June-July 2002: Old Scatness Broch, Shetland, Scotland – Field School Student
  • June 2001: Hofstaðir Norse-era longhouse, Mývatn, Iceland – Field School Student
  • 1998-2001: John Bowne’s 17th Century home in Flushing, NY – Field School Student

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